Friday, March 28, 2025 | The Post Oak Hotel at Uptown Houston

11:00 AM – Pop-Up Shop Pre-Party

12:00 PM – Bingo & Lunch

iWRITE’s annual fun-filled event brings together women who support literacy through writing in some of our most underserved Houston schools. Each guest who spends the afternoon PLAYING BINGO has the chance to win FABULOUS PRIZES while also providing children with writing workshops, after-school programs, and summer writing camps.

Grab your friends, get your table themes ready, and raise your champagne flutes as we build student confidence through WRITING!

Luncheon Co-Chairs

Ally Shell and Brittany Wetterer

Celebrity Best Dressed Judges

Lenny Matuszewski and Thy Mitchell

Bingo Caller

Johnny “Bravo” Holloway


  • Platinum Sponsor ($10,000)

    • Front Row Seating and Lunch for 10 guests
    • Double up opportunity for Table Prize Pull
    • VIP Gift Bag for Platinum table guests
    • Recognition on Invitation, Program, and iWRITE Website
    • Event signage at check-in and verbal recognition on-stage
    • (2) Bottles of Vueve Cliquot “Yellow Label” Champagne for your table
    • Extra Pack of Bingo Cards for each guest
    • Custom Lucky for Literacy champagne flute for each table guest
    • Valet Parking Pass for table guests
  • Gold Sponsor ($5,000)

    • Prominent Seating and Lunch for 10 guests
    • VIP Gift Bag for Gold table guests
    • Recognition on Invitation, Program, and Event Signage
    • (2) Bottles of Moet & Chandon “Imperial” Champagne for your table
    • Extra Pack of Bingo Cards for each guest
    • Custom Lucky for Literacy champagne flute for each table guest
    • Valet Parking Pass for table guests
  • Silver Sponsor ($3,500)

    • Premier Seating and Lunch for 10 guests
    • Recognition on Invitation & Program
    • (1) Bottle of Prosecco for your table
    • Extra Pack of Bingo Cards for each guest
    • Valet Parking Pass for table guests
  • Bronze Sponsor ($2,500) Limited Availability

    • Preferred Seating and Lunch for 10 guests
    • Listing on Invitation & Program
  • Individual Ticket ($300)

    • Preferred Seating and Lunch for One
      • You will be sat at a pre-decorated table
    • Listing on Invitation and Program


Deadline to order is Monday, March 17, 2025

(brands of prosecco, chardonnay, sauvignon blanc and pinot noir are subject to change)

Vueve Cliquot “Yellow Label” Champagne…….$250 per bottle

Moet & Chandon “Imperial” Champagne……$150 per bottle

Maschio Notte Prosecco……$75 per bottle

Sonoma Chardonnay Cutrer……$80 per bottle

Mohua Sauvignon Blanc……$80 per bottle

Scott Family Arroyo Seco Pinot Noir……$80 per bottle