Without intervention, many students may never realize they have the potential to become a confident writer.
You can help.
We believe every child should have access to programs that develop the skills and confidence to communicate effectively through writing. Without it, they will be missing an invaluable piece of their literacy journey.
- $100 can provide writing journals for 10 students
- $500 can cover nearly half the cost of a creative writing workshop
- $1,000 can help develop new curriculum for online students
- Spread the word by sharing and commenting on iWRITE’s Social Media posts
- Recommend iWRITE for tax-deductible contribution opportunities from your organization or company
- Help iWRITE qualify for matching funds from your business
- Attend iWRITE events and invite a friend
- Host a fundraiser benefiting iWRITE
- Help promote iWRITE memberships for students and teachers
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Watch Your Dollars at Work
Our annual report features our programs and many of the smiling faces that benefit from your generosity. Thank you for making this possible!